
Graduate student facilities
A graduate student common room is located in Room G24, ground floor, Scott Building.
Facilities include:
- Kitchenette – hot water boiler, tea & coffee, microwave, sandwich press, fridge and freezer
- TV
- subscriptions to Time magazine, New Scientist and The Age
- phone
Laptop Loan Program
Are you having technical issues with your laptop or have you recently lost your laptop? The PPA has a number of laptops available on Parkville campus, which are exclusively available to Monash graduate students to borrow for up to two weeks for study purposes.
Please reach out to to find out more or make arrangements to loan a laptop.
Take note:
- Students are limited to borrowing one laptop at any given time for a maximum period of two weeks, at which point they must return the laptop. If there are no subsequent bookings then the student may request to extend their booking.
- If all laptops are loaned out, students can be added to a waitlist and will be contacted when there is a laptop available for them.
- Graduate students will need to read the terms and conditions outlined for this program and leave a photocopy of their student ID with the PPA at the time of borrowing.
- The laptops can be borrowed within PPA hours.
- If there are any problems with the laptop, bring it back to the PPA to resolve, please do not try to fix it yourself.
- For the Portable Device Loan Agreement, click HERE.
Graduate student notice board
There is a graduate student notice board in the foyer of the Scott building. Scholarship information and job opportunities are often posted here.
C L Butchers Pharmacy Library
The CL Butchers Pharmacy Library is located Manning building, Parkville Campus.
The Library offers workshops on a wide range of topics as well as drop-in sessions.
The Library has subject specialist librarians who offer expert advice on finding and using information resources. Learning skills advisers from Monash Study Support can provide assistance with referencing and citation styles and academic writing skills.
MGA Advocacy & Academic Support Service
MGA student advocacy and academic support is a free and confidential service for all Monash Graduate students, including students based at Parkville. We can provide guidance and advice on any issue relating to your study.
Book an appointment with an MGA advocate
Our advocates are available for one-on-one appointments during regular business hours. Our advocates are located at Caulfield and Clayton campuses, but provide services for graduates enrolled at all on-campus and off-campus locations, and distant education.
Appointments can be conducted over the phone, via Zoom, or in-person at either the MGA’s Caulfield or Clayton office.
More info: Visit the MGA Advocacy web page
Parkville Postgraduate Association (PPA)
The Parkville Postgraduate Association (PPA) is the representative body for graduate students at Monash University’s Parkville campus. They play a diverse and multi-faceted role in all aspects of academic, cultural and social student life. As well as organising a multitude of social events, they provide a means of representation for graduate students on the Parkville campus.
Contact the PPA
- Email:
- For anonymous suggestions and comments.
Graduate student common room
As a graduate student, you are able to access the PPA room (student ID card required). If you can’t get access, either email Elizabeth Stock. In the PPA room we have range of facilities you can use:
Facilities include:
- Couches and table area
- Kitchenette – hot water boiler, tea & coffee, microwave, sandwich press, fridge and freezer
- TV & DVD player
- Speaker dock for iPhone and iPod
- Plugs
- Arcade table with hundreds classic Arcade games
- phone
PPA peer mentor program
Each year PPA runs a mentoring program. This is aimed at providing a sense of belonging within the university research culture and build a stronger link between the research students and staff. The program aims to establish a mutually beneficial support system that empowers both the mentee and the mentor. If you are interested or would like more information, please email
2023 Parkville Postgraduate Association Committee
Annie Roys
Vice President
Amelia Miklavec
Bryce Barber
Liam Hales
MGA Representative
Mahima Choudhary
Education/Careers Officer
Eileen Zhou
Cam lu
Muhammad Mahboob
Radhika Waghela
Showmika Supti
Bhavya Aggarwal
Wellbeing, Diversity and Inclusion
Celine Hung
Occupational Health and Safety Officer
Liam Hales
Darshan Goordeen
Paulo Simon
Sports Officer
Amir Hossain
Social Officers
Amelia Miklavec
Douer Zhu
Pooja Maharjan
Rowan Pilkington
General Committee Members
Muhammad Mahboob
Katayoun Nazemi
Jessica Huang
EMCR Representative
Narges Mahdavian
Masters Representative
Radhika Waghela