Curious to know who’s representing you at the moment? Get to know the elected representatives, what they do and how you can get involved.
Each year up to fifteen graduate students are elected to form the MGA Executive Committee (MGAEC). The role of this committee is to represent graduate student interests within the University.
Office-bearers focus on addressing specific issues such as those affecting women, international, LGBTQIA+ and Indigenous graduate students. Campus representatives address student issues at the four main Victorian campuses. Please click here to read the MGAEC 2023/2024 Elections report by the Returning Officer.
The MGAEC meets every month to make decisions on how the MGA operates, how graduate student funds are spent and how the MGA can improve the overall Monash University graduate student experience. Observers are welcome: please email Jenny Reeder for details of the next meeting.
From time to time, graduate student members on the MGAEC complete their studies and leave Monash part-way through their term of office on the MGAEC. Where a vacancy arises between annual elections, graduate students can be co-opted to the committee.
The MGAEC 2023 – 2024
Meet your current elected representatives who are all working hard to improve your graduate student experience. Aside from attending and contributing to monthly committee meetings, our representatives become involved in a range of projects, subcommittees and University-level committees.

Coursework Education Officer
Maria Lammerding
Master of Journalism & International Relations
Looking for more information?
If you are wondering what is involved in being a committee member, or would like to know more about the annual election process, browse through the following pages:
› Election Process FAQ
› Election Regulations
MGAEC Co-options
From time to time, graduate students on the MGAEC complete their studies and leave Monash part-way through their term of office. Where a vacancy arises between annual elections, graduate students can be co-opted to the committee. To be co-opted to the MGAEC, click here to check out the available roles and application form.
Become part of an informal advisory group supporting our office-bearers
Each of the MGAEC office-bearers run advisory groups to learn more about what graduate students want to see their association do for them. Advisory groups help with decisions about which events, activities and issues should be pursued each semester.
If you have any interest in any specific area, we would love to hear from you.
Would you like to join a University committee?
To find out what University committee roles are available, click here.
To be notified when a relevant University committee vacancy is available, please fill out the ‘University Committee Expression of Interest’ form.